Why Choose Fi401k?
Many small and medium-sized businesses utilize the services of a third-party financial services professional, to assist with the initial adoption of a 401(k) retirement savings plan – including the selection of the service provider to manage the plan and/or the investment alternatives selected for inclusion in the plan. But, in so doing, the majority of small and medium sized business owners rarely understand their fiduciary obligations for the ongoing monitoring and periodic evaluation of those initial selections.
The unfortunate reality is that the way most financial services professionals are compensated, they simply are not properly incented to perform the ongoing investment monitoring and due diligence required under ERISA. So, if a plan fiduciary relies upon a financial services professional that has the skill to perform as an investment expert – but fails to do so, they may inadvertently breach their fiduciary duty – by not being prudent or diligent in relying upon such individuals.
ERISA sets the standard by which all fiduciaries are measured, as being those investment decisions which a like expert, with appropriate knowledge and experience would reasonably make.
That is where Fiduciary Insight comes in, whereby we have created a web-based service bureau that bridges this gap by providing remote investment monitoring, reporting and management services. Whether we are supporting an existing financial advisor or serving as the sole advisor engaged by the plan, our solutions are designed to protect retirement plan fiduciaries from potential liability - by delivering a range of services for the routine administration of investments held within a 401(k) retirement savings plans.
On April 23, 2024, the U.S. Department of Labor released the Retirement Security Rule defining who is an investment advice fiduciary according to ERISA. The Final Rule reiterated what Fi401k Advisors was already adhering to: prudently putting client interests' first by superseding the high standards of care and loyalty when making investment recommendations, with ongoing disclosure documentation.
An investment advice fiduciary is defined as a registered professional who makes recommendations that reflect expert judgement and are intended to advance the retirement investor's best interests.
Perhaps more importantly, as professional Fiduciary Advisors, Fi401k Advisors can insure any potential liability with professional errors & omissions insurance policies and ERISA Fiduciary Bonding. As a result, if we were deemed to have acted imprudently, the resulting claim (and its defense) would be paid from an insurance policy - versus being a corporate liability.
So, don't leave yourself and your assets exposed!