About Us
Fi401k is an organization dedicated to supporting retirement plan fiduciaries and insulating them from adjunct liability associated with offering a workplace retirement savings plan.
As a result, we have created a flexible set of solutions to satisfy the varied needs of business owners and executives around the extensive requirements burdened upon retirement plan fiduciaries by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). Our evolutionary solutions leverage technology to streamline and replace what have historically been time-intensive manual processes, as well as make our institutional services affordable for the majority of small and medium-sized businesses.
Our founding team of experienced retirement plan and investment professionals leverage expertise that ranges from the provisioning of record-keeping and administration services to the construction and management of pooled investment vehicles. As a result, we have a unique understanding of the varied issues that retirement plan fiduciaries face in the routine management and administration of their employer-sponsored retirement plans.